The Hyphen Health group, incorporates the online telehealth clinics Stigma Health, PrEP Health, and Roidsafe. Stigma Health was launched in 2016. The group was effectively established in December 2020, when it launched its second online sexual health, PrEP Health. Its first two clinics Stigma Health and PrEP Health are now combined as Australia’s largest sexual health clinic. In 2022 it launched Roidsafe, the world’s first telehealth service for harm minimisation for Australians or Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs).
Hyphen Health is deliberately niche-focused in healthcare spaces known to be stretched, under-resourced and subsequently underperforming, and its proven to be a solution – with more than 25% of its patients reporting they’ve never been tested, before using the service. To date, they’ve helped more than 30,000 Australians, adding over 1600 new patients a month, and helping more than 2,000 Australians a month with their health. Its growth has seen the group consecutively listed on the Australian Financial Reviews Fast 100 Fast Starters List for the years 2022 and 2023. In the 2022 list Hyphen Health came in at #42, its compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) to qualify for the 2023 list was over 340%.
Hyphen Health clinics are now trusted brands, growth is coming from engaging online and in-real-life promotions of sexual health and, more importantly, word of mouth. Its now building resources to provide specialist services on behalf of General Practice Clinics and State Health Clinics Australia-wide.