Industry Capability Network (ICN) is a national business network that introduces local (Australian and New Zealand) companies to the supply chains of all types.
ICN has been successfully linking local capability with business opportunities for almost 40 years which has resulted in helping local companies to secure over $30 billion in contracts.
With more than 60 technical consultants based nationally and a database of over 70,000 businesses, ICN has an extensive knowledge of local industry capability and is skilled at identifying suppliers and service providers who can fulfil opportunity requirements.
ICN NSW is supported by NSW Government to assist urban and regional communities to increase economic prosperity. ICN NSW was established in 1985. Everything it does is guided by a clear vision to help increase economic activity and jobs for the business community of New South Wales and, more generally, Australia.
ICN NSW introduces businesses of all sizes to new business opportunities large and small across NSW, via a network of experienced industry procurement and supply chain specialists. It is part of the national network responsible for projects delivered in NSW.
There are five regions in NSW:
1. Hunter & Northern NSW – Newcastle
2. Sydney Metropolitan – North Sydney
3. Illawara South East NSW – Wollongong
4. Murray Riverina – Wagga Wagga
5. Central West – Orange
ICN NSW offers a range of services to the industry including:
• Promotion of the project opportunities to industry via briefings, direct email and digital media
• Enhancement of local industry and Aboriginal business participation
• Assistance with the supplier selection process, based on company’s primary selection criteria and
• Feedback to industry via general and individual communications.
In summary, ICN provides an independent, unbiased, effective and transparent procurement service to the industry, saving the buyer time and people resources.